
Oscar Ferreño


LANGUAGES: Spanish – English

Oscar Ferreño is a partner of BS&A since the year 2021.

He graduated from the Universidad of Buenos Aires as a Public Accountant. He made a specialization in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and also in Audit standards (IAS) at the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Specialized in Business Process Outsourcing, he has advised local and foreign clients, mainly in the areas of Services, Financial and Logistics Services, Real Estate Development, Clinical Research, Stockbroker Companies, Market Agents and Mutual funds.

He has served as expert in audits of service, commercial and industrial companies, financial entities, stockbroker companies, market agents, mutual funds, due diligence processes, and corporate mergers and acquisitions.

He has broad experience providing advisory services for national and international companies.


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