

BS&A, its partners, associates and staff play an active role in Fundación Junior Achievement, an international non-for-profit organization dedicated to educating young people. Its mission is to inspire, encourage and develop the entrepreneurial spirit to achieve their successes and goals within a framework of responsibility and freedom,

Furthermore, we have joined the Sponsorship Program – Club de Padrinos – of this organization by means of which training courses are sponsored at schools lacking economic resources.

For further information visit

Since the last 40 years, the National Hospital of Pediatrics, Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan has been committed to the following objectives:


Among the different campaigns intended to raise funds, the Hospital Foundation collects paper, plastic and metal keys.


In order to collaborate with those campaigns, and following our environmentally friendly policies, all the paper used and discharged is collected in containers provided by the Foundation.

For further information visit

We sponsor sports tournaments and events for the benefit of public welfare institutions such as Fundación Providencia or Parroquia María Madre de la Iglesia located in Pablo Nogués, Province of Buenos Aires.


We frequently carry out aid campaigns for charity purposes in order to cooperate with schools lacking economic resources donating school supplies and toys for Capilla Jesús Eucarística located in Pablo Nogués, Province of Buenos Aires.

Every year, our work team brings new ideas to the management, and then, we choose those projects in which we can cooperate and offer our solidarity.


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